Open Source Firmware Conference 2024

Jiming Sun

Jiming Sun is Sr. Software Manager at Amazon Web Services. His achievements are:
* 21 granted US patents, one pending
* Author of "Embedded Firmware Solutions" book, published in January 2015.
* Key creator and contributor to produce and release Intel Firmware Support Package (FSP)
* Key creator and contributor to produce and release AMD's AGESA
* Among the first batch of engineers who worked on SMM code for 386SL.
* Among the first batch of contributors for Tiano/EFI/UEFI
* Intel/AMD x86, and ARM microprocessors.


United States


What CSP Servers Need from Open Source Firmware Solutions
Jiming Sun

Since the creation of LinuxBIOS in 1999, open-source firmware (OSF) solutions have increased its footprint first in HPC and Linux-based mission-critical applications, to now many general-purpose compute platforms, such as networking servers, industrial embedded controllers, to client devices. Notably, Chromebook and a few Cloud-based servers, are quite successful products today. Despite its success, Cloud Service Providers (CSP) are mostly on the sideline even though they have the best usage cases for OSF solutions. Why is OSF good for CSP? For one reason, these hosts are more like embedded systems than traditional servers because once they enter data centers, the servers are not open for expansion of modification. As there is no expansion possibility, there is no need for plug-and-play capability, no driver dependency algorithm needed, some even disable USB and any external ports, and there is no need to upgrade memory, PCI devices, or CPUs beyond typical repairing jobs. Since security is the number one focus of CSP, the smaller the size of the source code, the more secured it is. Over the years, many enthusiastic developers are watching the development of OSF, but they see the community lacking of focus on the right things for CSP. In this talk, the speaker is going to go over these areas and share what the optimal OSF features are for CSP.

Main Room