Sriram Ramkrishna

Sriram Ramkrishna works for ITRenew Inc as a Principal Ecosystems Engineering - using his over 22 years of experience in free and open source communities and a diverse set of skill sets from IT to marketing and social media, to engage with upstream projects.

Sri revels in creating meta communities and building coalitions in order to advance high level goals whether for his employer or for his personal ambitions.


ITRenew Inc.





United States


Testing platform for Open System Firmware
Christian Walter, Sriram Ramkrishna

It's been a long held notion that having standardized testing across the various near metal projects. With standardized testing, we can build a testing framework to test platforms that have open hardware components across coreboot, linuxboot, u-root and so on. With these in place we would be able to thoroughly test all platforms that use these ecosystems. Furthermore by agreeing on the framework we would be able to build our own internal tests for the platforms we care about.

This brief talk will talk about the fundamentals of standard testing and how we can build these tests using ConTest, a testing framework that was written by Facebook and released as an open source project. By standardizing on a single framework we will be able to ramp up specific tests to help build more reliable platforms by being able to detect regressions, adding new tests for new failure scenarios and so on. We hope that after this talk that you would be excited in joining the effort to build these tests and improve the state of these open source projects and the platforms that depend on it.

Main Stage